Thursday 30 May 2019

Math DLO

Today I made a Kahoot for my math DLO But sadly I couldn't share it.

We've been working on Timetables, Area and perimeter.

Timetable have always been easy to me so when we did it in class I didn't need much help and that's what I'll be working with today.

For timestables you can use many different ways to figure it out. The easiest and most common way used is skipping hours until you can’t then doing the same with minutes.

For example:

If the bus leaves at 9:35am and arrives at its destination at 10:30am How long did it take to get there?

So the question shortened is 9:35 - 10:30

You cant add a hour or else  it would be 10:35 which is 5 minutes over.

So we’ll add 20 minutes which will make it 10:00 then all we have to add is the last 35 minutes to make it 10:35

So the answer is = 55 minutes

Wednesday 1 May 2019

My Dog

My Dog Born Special

Tison is my male Chihuahua who is 3 years old dog who was born differently from other dogs.
We got him from a lady in Australia,He was the runt in the family and no one wanted him....mainly because he was born with a cleft lip.

(A Cleft lip is when you're born with one side of your upper lip is gone)

The Cleft lip doesn't really effect his every day life other than teeth growing weirdly, When he was younger mum had to stay up really late to feed and help Tison breathe which was sad, I tried helping whenever I could.

Now Tison is healthier and can run around and eat fine, We're trying to find a way to help him more and happy to see him grow.

Welcome to Term 2


First week of Term and we're working hard already!
There is many things happening around school like the Production, Rugby, Chest club, Basketball, School camp and cross country.

Im doing the Production (Which its my first year doing), My Character is General Commotion who is the leader of the Marines. In total I have 16 lines most of them is me arguing with one of my best friends (Who is playing Mayor Doughnut).

Sadly I'm not going to the school camp but it seems like so much fun!
They'll be doing fun activities like Bike riding, Tree climbing, Swimming and more exiting things.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings!